Sunday, November 12, 2017

Diabetes Awareness (in conjunction of World Diabetes Day 2017)

According to International Diabetes Federation, 415 millions people worldwide suffer from diabetes. This means, 1 in 10 people is diabetic and this figure is projected will increase to 642 millions in 2040. It seems this figures do not decrease although more efforts and resources are geared towards the fight against diabetes. Malaysia too is not spared. The number of diabetic patients increased. In 2017, it is estimated 3.6 millions has diabetes (living with diabetes). 

In Malaysia, main factors that lead to diabetes (Type 2) can be attributed to unhealthy food, and unhealthy lifestyle (e.g. lack of exercise ). 50% who suffer diabetes, do not realized they had diabetes until it was confirmed by the hospital or clinics. 

Why is it important for the public to be aware of this disease?  

This disease if not control, it can lead to severe complication to your nerve, making you prone to blindness, stroke, kidney failure, diabetes foot ulcer or even amputation.  Once it reaches the advanced stage of complication, that means there is no reversal. This brings hardship to the sufferers and high cost to manage them. So, before that happen, those with diabetes must control  blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol to an acceptable level define by medical professionals.

Basically, managing diabetes must focus on 3 important subject matters. First, the food that you take. You must know what food that you can take, what food that is not suitable to consume, the time of taking the food and of course the food portion. You must know how much daily calorie you must take. Taking unsuitable food and drink can escalate your blood glucose.

Certainly you need carbohydrate, protein, mineral, vitamin, fiber etc in your daily food intake. Your dietitian may help you in this aspect. Go and get the advice from the dietitian and follow it through. You need strong discipline to change your diet if necessary. Avoid sugary food and oily food. Drink more plain water, less sugared drink. More green leafy vegetables in your food. Take 2-3  of servings  fruits daily but remember you can not consume more than the recommended portion.  Take less salt and if possible avoid hidden salt. 

You must know to take  the correct portion of your food intake, not only the calorie but also the size of your carbohydrate, protein, vegetables and fruit etc. Malaysia has endorsed the concept of healthy plate whereby  in a plate there should be 3 portions of space to be filled by your food types i.e. 1/4 for carbohydrate (e.g. one cup of rice), 1/4 for protein and 1/2 for green leafy vegetables (preferably non-carbohydrate) and fruit.

Again the time of taking your food is important. Never skip breakfast (6-8 am), lunch (12-2 pm)  or dinner (6-8 pm).

Second, you must be physically active. Stay active daily with your favourite exercise.  Brisk walking is a good exercise for diabetic. Walk for 30-45 minutes daily is a good move. Exercise can lower down your blood glucose substantially. Have good night sleep (uninterrupted sleep) perhaps sleep early and wake up early too. Avoid stress, smoking and drinking.

If you can do these two things properly, you can slow down the progression of your disease towards complication. For those at prediabetes, your diabetes may go away.

Third, you must take your medicine faithfully as prescribed by your doctors. If the medicine does not make you well or does not suit you, talk to your doctor, and do not complain behind their backs. Learn to know your medications (e.g. name, shape, size, weight), ways to keep them  (for safety reasons) and when is the correct time to take it. Talk to your doctors and pharmacist. Know your disease and manage it properly. Do not depend on doctors only. This is an empowerment!

Once in six months, take regular blood screening for knowing your health status- HbA1c, lipids, electrolite, creatinine, etc. Check your eye at least once a year, and check your urine. Daily, check your feet if there is any cuts, dryness and crack, or any ulcer. If you are overweight, reduce your weight with proper exercise and limit food intake.

Lastly, go and get knowledge on ways to manage diabetes. Learn from others who are successful on how they manage their diabetes.

To do this, you must have courage, and strong determination to change your lifestyle.


  1. Saya harap saya boleh membantu lebih ramai pesakit Diabetez dengan Pansulin :).

  2. Saya harap saya boleh membantu lebih ramai pesakit Diabetez dengan Pansulin :).
