Saturday, April 15, 2017

Seminar on Diabetes Management

Diabetes Malaysia Terengganu Branch has conducted  one day seminar on diabetes management on Saturday 15, April  2017 for the public to participate. It was held at Sumai Hotel n Apartment, Kuala Terengganu. The seminar was attended by 40 people of various categories. Most of them work in the hospital.

The papers presented touches on diabetes complication, diabetes management, healthy eating, food that fight diabetes complication and about wound examination and wound healing.

Five lecturers were invited to deliver the papers. They are Dr Nurul Huda Mat Hassan from UniSA, Dr Azlin Amat from Klinik Hiliran (both are Family Medicine Specialists), Hjh Ramlah and Kartini Abdul Karim (dietitians) and retired nurse, Adebah Idris (wound care).

This one day seminar was successfully conducted and it has raised awareness of the complexity of diabetes mellitus to the participants.

We thank all participants, lecturers and all AJK for making this seminar a success. Each participant is given a certificate of attendance.

Lectures on A1C and Healthy Eating

In conjunction of the Annual General Meeting held on 25th March 2017, Diabetes Malaysia Terengganu Branch invited two speakers to talk on HBA1C and healthy Eating.

The talk on A1C was delivered for one and half hour by Dr Yogeswary, an endocrinologist from Kuala Terengganu hospital. While the one-hour talk on healthy eating was given by Amie Eryana, a dietitian from the hospital.

The talk had benefited our members in gaining knowledge on these two subject matters. We thanked both speakers for their cooperation and willingness to share their knowledge with us.

Amie Eryana 

Dr Yoges